Monday, July 5, 2010

3 Low-Cal Summer Thirst Quenchers

Hi Friends and Readers!
Well, I'm still away taking care of family 'things' in the Chicago Area, but I didn't want you to think I've forgotten about posting some healthy and lo-cal recipes. As I was reading my Yahoo news page this morning, I found a link to the Self Magazine. These recipes are for you to try and enjoy. They are lo-calorie drinks. As the article says, sometimes we get tired of just drinking water. Hope you'll enjoy the recipes and don't forget to click on the link to get there. Happy 5th of July! (the extra holiday-day this year)

3 Low-Cal Summer Thirst Quenchers

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Here's a scrumptious looking meal by Jamie Oliver.  Click on the following link for more yumminess:

As you can see by this post, I'm not really paying attention to my diet--AT ALL! 
I'm hoping to make this sometime this week. 

And here's yet another recipe by Jamie--you can use pa ncetta or bacon in the salad.  Here's the link:

I hope you're all doing well while I'm away. 
Wishing you healthy and happy eating! ~~C.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Inside-Out Lasagna

                   Inside-Out Lasagna

Here's a recipe that looks really good. I haven't tried it yet, but when you do please tell me how you liked it. This link also provides subscription information for Eating Well magazine. Here's to healthy eating!   Remember:  just click the title to link to the recipe. :0))


Dear Friends and Readers,
As you can see I have been away from the page for the last several weeks, although, I have put up a scrumptious dessert for you to try--NOT on the dieters list, I'm sure.
I will be in visiting in Chicago for the next month, assisting my son after his motorcycle accident on the Memorial Day weekend. 
Please don't think that I've abandoned you, but during my absence you may send me notes or posting via this page. 
 I hope you'll enjoy the beginning of summer and I'll see you all when I return.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bacon, Egg, Avocado and Tomato Salad

bacon, egg, avocado and tomato salad...looking scrumptiously delicious!!   buy the ingredients, fix it for dinner, enjoy and delight in the decadence of all things yummy!

Bacon, Egg, Avocado and Tomato Salad | Mark's Daily Apple

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